And the Shaman cried out his question:
“Are you really sure that you’re on the “PATH”?


The war against yourself is different from anything else, it’ll last your entire life-span. Get up and carry the light on”

In his dream he was on the battlefield, wandering between the self-defeated pioneers. Some were tired of thinking and some of explaining the truth of life to  others. Neither brightness in their eyes nor any enthusiasm in their hearts, they became the very same as the others. But they were the pioneers, front runners of humanity, soldiers who’d make humanity leap to the next evolutionary step. Unfortunately that was a totally different era that gave noone a chance to recover.

The shaman then began to plant his consciousness seeds in each of them, one by one. This war will be carried on in connection with each other. It’ll be enough for him that each person nurtures his or her seed and breaks free his or her own shadow.
One by one he leaned down to each pioneer and asked his question:

Are you really sure that you’re on the “PATH”?

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Cernunnos on Gundestrup Cauldron

To understand our own wisdom, the path represents the existence of humanity and the purpose of life as well as determining our aims and progress towards them. But how? To waste your life, shutting your consciousness in a cage of daily routines without being aware of it! It is a huge loss! Wars, discrimination, ignoring nature and death are the results! With the unlimited nature of the universe it’s a shame to confine yourself within a limited perception! Indeed, if you discover your own path and being connected to your true self, there will be no greed, anger or the ignorance that destroys both ourselves  and nature.

To live with the perpetual dream of a strong hero to save us! Instead of changing and transforming yourself, trying to change the outer world, your job, your house, your own appearance, and even your partner or a friend! What a huge delusion! To live without being connected to your true inner self, measuring the outer world with reference to whether it responds your desires or not reveals only one thing: Self-importance!
And the result is certain: An unsatisfied life consumed in pursuit of pleasure.

The guidance you seek is within you. You are the prescription  to cure yourself. Your name is written on it.

When you have the courage to turn your attention to what is within you, you’ll understand that the solution was always there.


The shaman is a guide, a pathfinder who goes beyond himself. He is the symbol of all teachings which unite humanity. He’s the sparkling understanding of the earth which has been acquired over thousands of years. The shaman is the deep consciousness of the world itself, the mind who knows itself and has to be awakened in each human being.

The shaman in his dreams  fought with the demons of humanity, and he saw the destiny which is awaiting us: To connect the earth and sky. It is time to unite the opposites. It is time to live at your centre, impartial. It’s time to apply what has been known for a long time.

The shaman knocks oneach potential pioneer’s door only once to offer an opportunity to shift one’s consciousness. To him, not everyone may have the potential to walk totally on their own path, but it is enough to light one more candle with one of their own. This will be enough to turn them into a pioneer. He announces to those who can hear him by asking his question and
making his offer: “Are you ready to take the road less traveled?” Potential pioneers will hear him.

The ones gathering are those who have the courage to wake up. What about you? Do you hear his offer?
Join us to make that dream real. To awaken the consciousness we all have .